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About FieldSmart

FieldSmart is your key to unlocking the full potential of your land.

What that means is that we’re more than the sum of our parts when it comes to the services and value that we provide. Our unbiased strategic advice and comprehensive approach is specifically designed to give you ultimate support and maximize the results on your farm. 

Where we excel, and how we can best help you, is with our holistic approach to your operation. Instead of having everything siloed off to different companies or advisors with one providing mapping, another offering input advice, and yet another leading your agronomy – we bring everything under the FieldSmart umbrella.

We review your data for completion and accuracy, and then we get boots on the ground to see what’s really going on. When it’s your land and your problems, getting up close and personal with your crop is the only way to get past theory and into real results.

We take all of your goals into account and even help you come up with new ones if we see opportunities you could be taking advantage of. We’ll talk about how you’re making your informed decisions and discuss the evidence that we’re seeing in your data that either supports or contradicts what you’ve been doing. Our goal is never to rip apart your farm management, but help you make it the best, most efficient, and most profitable it can be with an evidence-based approach.


Our Products and Process

We want you to get exactly what you need out of FieldSmart. That’s why every package is unique. We’ll work with you to figure out the wants and needs on your farm, and we’ll decide together what’s the best fit for your goals and budget.

Our Products and Process

Smart RX

Your land speaks through its composition. Smart Rx is the diagnosis and treatment provided by your agronomist designed to maximize zone-specific yield potential in every field. With Smart Rx you will receive an objective analysis of your field’s data and a prescription programmed for your equipment to deliver the highest yield potential targeted to your bottom line.

Based on your specific objectives, your agronomist will offer unbiased data analysis that isn’t influenced by the sale of specific products. This analysis is based on a complete set of information that is only available through FieldSmart.

As with all of the data from your farm, we store it securely but never own it.

By targeting your bottom line your crop will get exactly what it needs where it needs it and you’ll reach your full yield potential. You won’t waste money applying products that aren’t needed, and your input dollars will achieve maximum returns.

Smart Data

Smart Data is the most advanced program for collecting, storing, and accessing the information from your land. It turns data into usable information for better decisions and is the backbone for our comprehensive information management platform. Smart Data seamlessly links the information from your field to the technology of your equipment with the most accurate, advanced, and comprehensive wireless transfer system available, providing you all the tools required to unlock your land’s potential.

With accurate geospatial measurements, we can record precise seed and fertility rates at seeding, product rate at spraying, and yields and moisture at harvest – all with exact elevation, time, and place.

We store your records on the FieldSmart server for easy and instant access for you and your agronomist. Daily backups ensure that your data is never lost, and it always belongs to you. Prescriptions can be sent directly from our server to your equipment.

You and your agronomist can work closely together to analyze and put your data to work with the best management decisions. Comprehensive and tailor-made reports are designed for those that need them like your crop insurance, accountant, or bank.

Smart Zoning

Your land speaks through its soil profile and structure. Understanding the varying characteristics of your soil enables you to maximize your land’s potential. Smart Zoning uses electro-conductivity mapping to determine the water and nutrient holding capabilities of your soil.

Through electro-conductivity mapping, we can designate field zones for more precise soil testing and identify potential areas in need of improved irrigation or drainage management.

Precision soil testing (informed by mapping) provides in-depth detail about the organic matter, macro and micronutrient concentrations and availability, pH, cation exchange capacity, and percent-based saturations.

With this we can differentiate soil properties that potentially influence crop production and find patterns on yield maps that can help explain yield variations. With the help of a consultant, you can target yield potential and make better decisions throughout the growing season.

Smart Consulting

Your land speaks through your actively growing crops, FieldSmart listens through our team of professional agronomists. These are the most highly skilled and objective listeners your land will know. They know exactly what to look for and how to translate it into valuable, unbiased advice for you.

Our agronomists will access all of your data and other pertinent information, look at past inputs, crop rotations, and pest history of each field. They investigate plant health with an eye for nutritional deficiencies, measure the plant stand, and gauge overall crop vigor. They hunt for insects, disease, and weeds and diagnose if additional treatment is required for the health of your crop.

If treatment of any kind is required, our agronomists will recommend the timing and application methods as well as visit the crop after treatment to assess the results.

Smart Weather

Smart Weather is far more than a weather station in your field. It's about understanding the impact of moisture in the soil and how that relates to the agronomics of your crop and the decisions you need to make.

Our agronomists then take the data that is acquired through the weather station and help you make decisions regarding fungicide applications, top dressing potential, yield goals for the next year, grain marketing, identifying potential soil issues, and capturing additional yield. You will have access to real-time moisture content at any time - anywhere on your mobile app or computer.

It's optimizing the return on your investment by determining your water-driven yield potential. By determining your water-driven yield potential, you can optimize the returns on your investment.

Our Profit Plans

The opportunity of understanding where your investments are today and where they could end up by determining your cost per acre. Mitigate your losses and expand your potential.


FieldSmart vs. The Rest

Be as efficient as you could be. See how what we offer compares.



Independent & Unbiased


Local Agronomists


Extensive Equipment Knowledge 


Full Service (Agronomy & Equipment)


Biomass Generated Recommendations 

✔ (In-season)

Multiple layers of data

(EC, Soil Tests, Elevation, Yield, Biomass, Profit)


Soil and Crop Science Based Recommendations 


Long Term Farm Plans 


Driven by Sales